Lezing over duizend jaar Pools-Joodse relaties

Lezing over duizend jaar Pools-Joodse relaties

Op 25 maart organiseert de Poolse ambassade een lezing over duizend jaar Pools-Joodse relaties in de Koepelzaal van sociëteit de Witte in Den Haag. De lezing wordt gegeven door professor Andrzej Bryk uit Kraków. Dit interessante, en zoals de titel al aangeeft gevoelige, onderwerp brengen we het graag onder uw aandacht. We nemen daarvoor integraal de tekst over van de ambassade. Onderaan de uitnodiging leest u hoe u zich kan opgeven.


The Embassy of the Republic of Poland invites you to a lecture by professor Andrzej Bryk on “1000 years of Polish – Jewish relations: a difficult but great heritage”, which will take place on 25th March at 17.30 (coffee/tea from 17.00) in the Koepelzaal van De Witte.

Since the end of the first millennium life of Jewish and non-Jewish Polish citizens has been closely interconnected. Since the 14th century the number of Jews in Poland began to rise because of anti-Jewish violence in Western Europe. The Statute of 1264 gave Jews in Poland protection of life, and property as well as full religious freedom. Consequently, the center of Jewish life gradually shifted to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. At the beginning of 20th century, Jews in Poland constituted 10 % of society (about 1/3 of global Jewry) creating a vibrant Yiddish society with political parties, parliamentary representation and a dedicated educational system. Everything changed with the Nazi German invasion in 1939 and a system of extermination and concentration camps created by the occupiers in the subsequent years.

The speaker, professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, is a renowned historian and specialist in Polish–Jewish relations. He was one of the participants of the first Polish- Israeli academic conference in 1988.  Professor Bryk lectures at a number of American universities, including Harvard Summer School, Amherst College, University of New Hampshire and Marquette University. He has just finished a new book "Holocaust and the Liberal Narrative".

The lecture (in English) will be followed by a Q&A session.

The number of seats is limited. Please register by sending the e-mail to hague.events@msz.gov.pl till 21st March.

Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit De Witte
Plein 24, 's-Gravenhage


Foto boven dit bericht is een houten synagoge in het oosten van Polen in 1913. Voor meer hierover en andere afbeelding lees het betreffende bericht.

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